sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2018

Post graduate studies

To me I would not like study after this career, but my father says that I will must study post graduate. Study in institutions is very bored, I has been student during 15 years old (yes, but as many people). Nevertheless, I should study because is important to have one qualification to have a better economic situation (to study by to study? that is a Lie). But if I would have to that to invent relating to my wish of have a post graduate studies, I would say that I would like study music with a private teacher becuse study in acamedy is very expensive and in aditio I’m not so to play instruments and neither I have a precise ear.

Well. I like to study music because is very interest and I would like to progress in this field to have bigger undestanding than at the present time. I would like study in Chile or abroad. In reality, anybody can study music in any part in the world, because the scores have a universal language. From a gringo to chinese (even though the chinese to use other musical notation system).

Study to be best person is a gross lie, in fact, I only have get worse, because how I study a lot I haven’t learned to interacting with people. 

1 comentario:

  1. I agree, music is cool and anybody can study music in any part in the world
