viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

My future job

I wouldn't like to expectative. But I neither have enough money as well as to be vague and keep calm in the father's house throughout the entire life. Indeed I like to improve my musical technique and to make compositions musical or to be assistant of fishing in some port of Chile or to be a farmer in some place in the central valley. However, for that, I must escape of my home and put aside certain things, for example, some of my many privileges of city people (means of transport, internet, in other things). In the end, I would like to work outdoors because I have lived many time locked, even to making not at all -I promise-. 

For this moment, the salary is a little bit important because I'm a student, however later I concerned. I wouldn't like to continue study after of sociology, because is very bored and uninspiring (ha, ha joke... bad joke). I want to study on my own, for own interest and without the obligation. Well... Indeed we are condemned to be unhappy. Damn it! Entire life studying for work. It's very boring but necessary. I would like to an astronaut.  

That's all folks 

Resultado de imagen para eso es todo amigos en ingles

2 comentarios:

  1. I agree, we are condemned to be unhappy in this life. We should take a turn

  2. Sometimes Sociology its an ugly experience
