viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018


I have few friends. For me, the friends are ordinary people, therefore, I don't want to transform them. I have it very hard to make new friends, because I'm bored and I sometimes get  tired of repeating myself. However, my friends are good friends, they help me ("with a little with my friends"), they helps me answer the questions of the life. For those I don't demand anithing from them.

 As I have already said, for me is very difficult to make friends. I have never made friends over the internet, fundamentally because I have few social skills (to speak and to listen). In adittion I don't like use the internet for to make friend because demand very ability to write. On this media, there are many appearances. I have try to make friends for this media, but it's hard for me to make friends. 

My closest friend is Max Power, my imaginary friend... it's a bad joke. In reality, Max is very funny and big jokers. I can laugh myself at his jokes. I don’t have best friend, but I have friend very friendly with me, very pleasing, and very attorneys, crazy and  and my friends are tormented by uncertainty and hope. I recognize in them. My friends are superb, uglys, jackasses, but with a big heart.    

I missed the touch with my childhood.  I missed the touch with my childhoods. I make friend in the primary, but I miss 

Resultado de imagen para amigos

"This is the end beatiful friend
This is the end my only friend the end."

4 comentarios:

  1. I agree with you. You have few social skills.

  2. Max Power appers a very interesting person! When I was a kid also haved a imaginary friends. I would like to see they again

  3. Max Power its a great name for a person.

  4. My friends don't help me with the questions of life, i want those friends :(.
