sábado, 20 de octubre de 2018

The film of my life

the last film that I saw it was "Mulholand Road", a film direct by David Lynch, a director very important, caracterized for your stranges films. I went to saw with Andrés, a friend, in the teather Alcalá localized in Vicuña Mackena, in Santiago. However my favourite film is "el lado oscuro del corazón".

My favourite films all-time is "el lado oscuro del corazón, a film that it consist in a poet, jobless and that is in search of a love. There's any particular movie star, such as a "gringo" movie star, but there is someone, for example, Darío Grandinetti, an actor who participed in a few Almodovar's films. I like this movie cause it shows night life of two cities (Buenos Aires  and Montevideo). The poet is serching his love, he finds it but for external reasons, love goes away. The movie also shows a very cool soundtrack from boleros to "Ciudad de Pobres Corazones" by Fito Paez (a very Charly García's rock style song. Hail Charly!). In a part of the song says: "y en esta puta ciudad, puta ciudad (and in this cunt city, cun city). I've seen this movei just once, but give my recommendation to see it cause, as I already told, is very atractive for its unconventional aesthetics. Besides, it has funny and sad moments.

The movie I would like to see it again is "Mulholan Drive" cause is weird and I want to undestan it.
Resultado de imagen para el lado oscuro del corazón

1 comentario:

  1. I think that 'El lado oscuro del corazón' is the most overrated argentinian movie, but anyway I like one of the poems that are used on it, 'Dicotomía incruenta'.
