viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018




I'd would like to visit Mexico because I rode the novel "Detectives Salvajes". In this novel, Roberto Bolaño describes to Mexico City and yours dark places. The book consist in two poets that wander for the street and avenues of the city. They are behind of the track of a extinct literary movement it called: realviceralistas. Well, I love the description of the Mexico City.

Currently, Mexico is very violent. According to "El País" the homicide rates become to 26.573, higher homicide rates than 2011. For each day there is 80 homicides, on average. However, Mexico have beautiful and majestic places. For example, the Aztec constructions, millenary constructions. I wolud like to visit those places for your history. 

If I went I would like visit the Unam, Museams, Archaelogical Sites and other unknow places. I would like to study, to work, to live in Mexico, because is very interesting. Although, is a statement place. 

 Resultado de imagen para construcciones aztecas

Thank for you pay atention. See you later. It was My Favourite things.


1 comentario:

  1. Last year two school students were melted in acid, are you sure that you want to go there?
