viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018


When I was a kid, I was every day to play to the school. I remember that I could to imagine everything of the world. There weren't a limits, only possibility. At the time, the little gustavo began to develop the activity most important of your life: separate of the rest. That biologic and psiquical system delimited your environment, voluntarily. He hasn't a psyquic trauma, rather he like to be alone. From the kid, he decided that the seafood soup would be the favourite food for all your life, A corious fact because he suffered when he was going the beach. He hated the sea!  

When I was a kid I lived in a town in Santiago, which name I do not wish to recall. Well, I remember it: Villa La Reina. But I was born and raised there and I was happier (incredibly). Later I moved to other side: Quilicura. In this side I have lived eighteen years old of my life.    

I learned to ride a bicycle in a later age. A bit for fear of ridicule (ridiculous fear, damn fear) a bit for by lazy, but nevertheless I learned to ride a bicycle. Today I remember those, when my father help me to ride the bike. I think that it was one of the lessons happiest for life, although I think that there is a lot of things that I don't know. I will be patient. My mother and my granma, says: "la paciencia es la reina de las ciencias" -In this point, I'm a bit confused because in the "Ingenioso Hidalgo" I read "la experiencia es la reina de las ciencias"... lastly-.  

My childhood was beatiful. I don't have the right to complain. 

look at this:

Resultado de imagen para los pilares de la sociedad
This picture marked the childhood

1 comentario:

  1. I used to sing Sui Generis' songs with ny classmates when I was your age, back in my university days.
