viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018

English lenaguage challenges

Hi, how are you?

Today I will talk about the English subject.

To learn English is very important for personal development. I don't know to speak, I don't know to read, I don't know the pronunciation. Well, Today I'm learn the English and I'm willing earlier years, now I know a bit more. Perhaps, it is about accumulated knowledge, that I learned grudging, bacause I hated the English and for me it was very difficult to integrate it. In adittion, it's obligatory to learn English in present time (Oh, but Alexis write very fast and I... that sad). In future, I must to learn English for work matters (at most). The true is that I hur me, but is the sad reality (globalization, dog). 

Ok, I like a unit about "if I were, I would" (second conditional?). In this unit I learned a very interesting tool for to write. I ha used all time in this blog, I think it's a very good trap (for to write more fast). In fine, I'm agree to with the day lenght. I would like to learn how to say: "cuico culiao" in English (or something similar).

I think that I would should to improve in pronunciation (although I think that it's irrelevant). Also, I would should to improve in the read.

Certainly, my favourite activity it was to make the video. In this video, I amused a lot.

Gratitude to:
-Alexis Villanueva, my best partner in English.
-Vicente Maltrain, my second best partner in English.
-Matías Raín, Sebastián Pino.
- and the other.
- Teacher Juan Luzzi 

Thank. you. Bye.

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-I'm a fool to want you (8):      

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

Change to my study programmes


Now, I am in the english class. I'm next to A., my favourite schoolmate of this class. He is very ironic. He's fun and interesting because he always tells me the better stores. We love to hate the degree. Howerver, today I will not talk about him. Today I will talk about my study programme. 

In this semester I have that to study seven subjects. For me, the most difficult is "estadística iii". I couldn't to be relax in this week, because I'm thinking that I must to study in all the weekend. Although, the truth, I know about the subject in general, I should to study more for passing the subject -because I don't want to repeat it again. 

In adittion, I have that to finish three or four investigations for the next week, and I am very stressed -like everyone else-. In these days I listen the Beatles for to concentrate me and not to exploit. 

I for one, the faculty is very small, dark and sad (oh! just like me). First: the classrooms are smalls and hot in summer. Second: the colours are monotonous and subdued (with little light). Apart it has people, and I hate the people in this period. If I were more sociable I would be more sympathetic -a sad redundancy-. I cover my worlds in a bag. 

I like to use the computer room for to study (I think that is my favourite place in all faculty). In this place I can to concentrate me. Well, I hope that you have a good end of semester, don Vicho. 


I Drink a beer

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viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018

Post 8: personal opinions

What is your opinion about tattoos?

Naturally, the tattoos are a skin marks. I never did wish have a tattoo, because is very difficult to me to highlight. However, I think that if I did that to choose a tattoo, I would choose to make me a horizon over sea, although I wouldn’t be how to make it, particulary because it’s very easy. Yes, the people want the most difficult things.

 What is your opinion about child labor?

In my opinion the child labor is very bad. Actually, for the capitalism the child could be used as a reserve army (for example, in the India the child are used in the agricultural sector, in the Brazil the child are used in cocoa plantations and the chocolate industry, in Argentina a 10 percent of child are work in this moment). In generally, the situation is worrying in third world countries.

What is your opinion about “barras bravas” (hooligans)?

I think that the “barras bravas” are a phenomenon very complex (ha, ha, xd). In the island of Great Britain, especially in England, the hooligans are renowned for to be a violent person. For example, in the Heysel Stadium in the Belgian capital, occurs a violent incident where the hooligans are kill to 39 fans of the Juventus.  In Chile, the “garra blanca” and “los de abajo” is very famous for violent acts both within and outside of the stadyums.

Resultado de imagen para hooligans

What is your opinion about recycling?

I think that the recycling is very important to caring the environment. The pollution is a global problem caused by human activity. Today, the environmental technological, the climate change, are some of the serious consequences of the widespread pollution in the world. However, if we were try to recycle (and we do other actions), we could rescue the world of their misery