viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

Change to my study programmes


Now, I am in the english class. I'm next to A., my favourite schoolmate of this class. He is very ironic. He's fun and interesting because he always tells me the better stores. We love to hate the degree. Howerver, today I will not talk about him. Today I will talk about my study programme. 

In this semester I have that to study seven subjects. For me, the most difficult is "estadística iii". I couldn't to be relax in this week, because I'm thinking that I must to study in all the weekend. Although, the truth, I know about the subject in general, I should to study more for passing the subject -because I don't want to repeat it again. 

In adittion, I have that to finish three or four investigations for the next week, and I am very stressed -like everyone else-. In these days I listen the Beatles for to concentrate me and not to exploit. 

I for one, the faculty is very small, dark and sad (oh! just like me). First: the classrooms are smalls and hot in summer. Second: the colours are monotonous and subdued (with little light). Apart it has people, and I hate the people in this period. If I were more sociable I would be more sympathetic -a sad redundancy-. I cover my worlds in a bag. 

I like to use the computer room for to study (I think that is my favourite place in all faculty). In this place I can to concentrate me. Well, I hope that you have a good end of semester, don Vicho. 


I Drink a beer

Resultado de imagen para cerveza

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