viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018

English lenaguage challenges

Hi, how are you?

Today I will talk about the English subject.

To learn English is very important for personal development. I don't know to speak, I don't know to read, I don't know the pronunciation. Well, Today I'm learn the English and I'm willing earlier years, now I know a bit more. Perhaps, it is about accumulated knowledge, that I learned grudging, bacause I hated the English and for me it was very difficult to integrate it. In adittion, it's obligatory to learn English in present time (Oh, but Alexis write very fast and I... that sad). In future, I must to learn English for work matters (at most). The true is that I hur me, but is the sad reality (globalization, dog). 

Ok, I like a unit about "if I were, I would" (second conditional?). In this unit I learned a very interesting tool for to write. I ha used all time in this blog, I think it's a very good trap (for to write more fast). In fine, I'm agree to with the day lenght. I would like to learn how to say: "cuico culiao" in English (or something similar).

I think that I would should to improve in pronunciation (although I think that it's irrelevant). Also, I would should to improve in the read.

Certainly, my favourite activity it was to make the video. In this video, I amused a lot.

Gratitude to:
-Alexis Villanueva, my best partner in English.
-Vicente Maltrain, my second best partner in English.
-Matías Raín, Sebastián Pino.
- and the other.
- Teacher Juan Luzzi 

Thank. you. Bye.

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-I'm a fool to want you (8):      

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

Change to my study programmes


Now, I am in the english class. I'm next to A., my favourite schoolmate of this class. He is very ironic. He's fun and interesting because he always tells me the better stores. We love to hate the degree. Howerver, today I will not talk about him. Today I will talk about my study programme. 

In this semester I have that to study seven subjects. For me, the most difficult is "estadística iii". I couldn't to be relax in this week, because I'm thinking that I must to study in all the weekend. Although, the truth, I know about the subject in general, I should to study more for passing the subject -because I don't want to repeat it again. 

In adittion, I have that to finish three or four investigations for the next week, and I am very stressed -like everyone else-. In these days I listen the Beatles for to concentrate me and not to exploit. 

I for one, the faculty is very small, dark and sad (oh! just like me). First: the classrooms are smalls and hot in summer. Second: the colours are monotonous and subdued (with little light). Apart it has people, and I hate the people in this period. If I were more sociable I would be more sympathetic -a sad redundancy-. I cover my worlds in a bag. 

I like to use the computer room for to study (I think that is my favourite place in all faculty). In this place I can to concentrate me. Well, I hope that you have a good end of semester, don Vicho. 


I Drink a beer

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viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018

Post 8: personal opinions

What is your opinion about tattoos?

Naturally, the tattoos are a skin marks. I never did wish have a tattoo, because is very difficult to me to highlight. However, I think that if I did that to choose a tattoo, I would choose to make me a horizon over sea, although I wouldn’t be how to make it, particulary because it’s very easy. Yes, the people want the most difficult things.

 What is your opinion about child labor?

In my opinion the child labor is very bad. Actually, for the capitalism the child could be used as a reserve army (for example, in the India the child are used in the agricultural sector, in the Brazil the child are used in cocoa plantations and the chocolate industry, in Argentina a 10 percent of child are work in this moment). In generally, the situation is worrying in third world countries.

What is your opinion about “barras bravas” (hooligans)?

I think that the “barras bravas” are a phenomenon very complex (ha, ha, xd). In the island of Great Britain, especially in England, the hooligans are renowned for to be a violent person. For example, in the Heysel Stadium in the Belgian capital, occurs a violent incident where the hooligans are kill to 39 fans of the Juventus.  In Chile, the “garra blanca” and “los de abajo” is very famous for violent acts both within and outside of the stadyums.

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What is your opinion about recycling?

I think that the recycling is very important to caring the environment. The pollution is a global problem caused by human activity. Today, the environmental technological, the climate change, are some of the serious consequences of the widespread pollution in the world. However, if we were try to recycle (and we do other actions), we could rescue the world of their misery

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018


When I was a kid, I was every day to play to the school. I remember that I could to imagine everything of the world. There weren't a limits, only possibility. At the time, the little gustavo began to develop the activity most important of your life: separate of the rest. That biologic and psiquical system delimited your environment, voluntarily. He hasn't a psyquic trauma, rather he like to be alone. From the kid, he decided that the seafood soup would be the favourite food for all your life, A corious fact because he suffered when he was going the beach. He hated the sea!  

When I was a kid I lived in a town in Santiago, which name I do not wish to recall. Well, I remember it: Villa La Reina. But I was born and raised there and I was happier (incredibly). Later I moved to other side: Quilicura. In this side I have lived eighteen years old of my life.    

I learned to ride a bicycle in a later age. A bit for fear of ridicule (ridiculous fear, damn fear) a bit for by lazy, but nevertheless I learned to ride a bicycle. Today I remember those, when my father help me to ride the bike. I think that it was one of the lessons happiest for life, although I think that there is a lot of things that I don't know. I will be patient. My mother and my granma, says: "la paciencia es la reina de las ciencias" -In this point, I'm a bit confused because in the "Ingenioso Hidalgo" I read "la experiencia es la reina de las ciencias"... lastly-.  

My childhood was beatiful. I don't have the right to complain. 

look at this:

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This picture marked the childhood

sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2018

Post graduate studies

To me I would not like study after this career, but my father says that I will must study post graduate. Study in institutions is very bored, I has been student during 15 years old (yes, but as many people). Nevertheless, I should study because is important to have one qualification to have a better economic situation (to study by to study? that is a Lie). But if I would have to that to invent relating to my wish of have a post graduate studies, I would say that I would like study music with a private teacher becuse study in acamedy is very expensive and in aditio I’m not so to play instruments and neither I have a precise ear.

Well. I like to study music because is very interest and I would like to progress in this field to have bigger undestanding than at the present time. I would like study in Chile or abroad. In reality, anybody can study music in any part in the world, because the scores have a universal language. From a gringo to chinese (even though the chinese to use other musical notation system).

Study to be best person is a gross lie, in fact, I only have get worse, because how I study a lot I haven’t learned to interacting with people. 

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

My future job

I wouldn't like to expectative. But I neither have enough money as well as to be vague and keep calm in the father's house throughout the entire life. Indeed I like to improve my musical technique and to make compositions musical or to be assistant of fishing in some port of Chile or to be a farmer in some place in the central valley. However, for that, I must escape of my home and put aside certain things, for example, some of my many privileges of city people (means of transport, internet, in other things). In the end, I would like to work outdoors because I have lived many time locked, even to making not at all -I promise-. 

For this moment, the salary is a little bit important because I'm a student, however later I concerned. I wouldn't like to continue study after of sociology, because is very bored and uninspiring (ha, ha joke... bad joke). I want to study on my own, for own interest and without the obligation. Well... Indeed we are condemned to be unhappy. Damn it! Entire life studying for work. It's very boring but necessary. I would like to an astronaut.  

That's all folks 

Resultado de imagen para eso es todo amigos en ingles

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018


I have few friends. For me, the friends are ordinary people, therefore, I don't want to transform them. I have it very hard to make new friends, because I'm bored and I sometimes get  tired of repeating myself. However, my friends are good friends, they help me ("with a little with my friends"), they helps me answer the questions of the life. For those I don't demand anithing from them.

 As I have already said, for me is very difficult to make friends. I have never made friends over the internet, fundamentally because I have few social skills (to speak and to listen). In adittion I don't like use the internet for to make friend because demand very ability to write. On this media, there are many appearances. I have try to make friends for this media, but it's hard for me to make friends. 

My closest friend is Max Power, my imaginary friend... it's a bad joke. In reality, Max is very funny and big jokers. I can laugh myself at his jokes. I don’t have best friend, but I have friend very friendly with me, very pleasing, and very attorneys, crazy and  and my friends are tormented by uncertainty and hope. I recognize in them. My friends are superb, uglys, jackasses, but with a big heart.    

I missed the touch with my childhood.  I missed the touch with my childhoods. I make friend in the primary, but I miss 

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"This is the end beatiful friend
This is the end my only friend the end."

sábado, 20 de octubre de 2018

The film of my life

the last film that I saw it was "Mulholand Road", a film direct by David Lynch, a director very important, caracterized for your stranges films. I went to saw with Andrés, a friend, in the teather Alcalá localized in Vicuña Mackena, in Santiago. However my favourite film is "el lado oscuro del corazón".

My favourite films all-time is "el lado oscuro del corazón, a film that it consist in a poet, jobless and that is in search of a love. There's any particular movie star, such as a "gringo" movie star, but there is someone, for example, Darío Grandinetti, an actor who participed in a few Almodovar's films. I like this movie cause it shows night life of two cities (Buenos Aires  and Montevideo). The poet is serching his love, he finds it but for external reasons, love goes away. The movie also shows a very cool soundtrack from boleros to "Ciudad de Pobres Corazones" by Fito Paez (a very Charly García's rock style song. Hail Charly!). In a part of the song says: "y en esta puta ciudad, puta ciudad (and in this cunt city, cun city). I've seen this movei just once, but give my recommendation to see it cause, as I already told, is very atractive for its unconventional aesthetics. Besides, it has funny and sad moments.

The movie I would like to see it again is "Mulholan Drive" cause is weird and I want to undestan it.
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sábado, 13 de octubre de 2018

The best concert

I havent been to many concert, but I've been to good concert, and to me it been to to choose which one has been the best. For example, in 2016 I went to see to "Ases Falsos" in "Cariola" teather with my friends. I believe that fue in may or juny. The point is that I love those concert because I sing and I laughed a lot. Then, two weeks after, I went to see to Fito Paez in Caupolicán teather. There was many people in the teather. Those concert consist it in the celebration of the 30 years of the "Giros"album (1986). I've been to concert of the new chilean music escene. However, may very best concert experiencie is the concerto of the "Ases Falsos" in Caupolican teather on December 15th of 2017. I went with my friends: Emanuel, Adolfo and Dhanae (the pair of pololos, an term to point out to the boyfriends). In this concert many people sing the songo of the band. Initially, the vocalist (the much-maligned Cristobal Briceño) was very nervious, but he was adapting himself to the enviroment and return to say his stupidities. In this concert I feel very happy. 

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018




I'd would like to visit Mexico because I rode the novel "Detectives Salvajes". In this novel, Roberto Bolaño describes to Mexico City and yours dark places. The book consist in two poets that wander for the street and avenues of the city. They are behind of the track of a extinct literary movement it called: realviceralistas. Well, I love the description of the Mexico City.

Currently, Mexico is very violent. According to "El País" the homicide rates become to 26.573, higher homicide rates than 2011. For each day there is 80 homicides, on average. However, Mexico have beautiful and majestic places. For example, the Aztec constructions, millenary constructions. I wolud like to visit those places for your history. 

If I went I would like visit the Unam, Museams, Archaelogical Sites and other unknow places. I would like to study, to work, to live in Mexico, because is very interesting. Although, is a statement place. 

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Thank for you pay atention. See you later. It was My Favourite things.